Christian Nationalism and populism

In May of 2023, I was part of a panel for the Interfaith Conference in Waterloo. The topic of the conference was finding common ground in a time of polarization, and I presented on conspiracy theories and religion, and the role of Christian nationalism leading to populism in North America. It was a great conference, and I was able to present with two of my favourite scholars, Dr. David Hofmann from New Brunswick University and Dr. Ahmed Al-Rawi from Simon Fraser University. The conference presentation was written into an article for Wilfrid Laurier University’s Concensus Journal.

A Day In The Life of Me….

A few months ago the Senior Editor at the Tyee called to ask if they could do a “day in the life” article about me and my work. Honestly, I laughed pretty damn hard cause my life is pretty boring, and involves a lot of doom scrolling, wine, puppies, and only getting dressed to go on campus.

They insisted I could be interesting (HA HA HA) and asked for the interview. I have to say Andrea was so much fun to chat with. They had a HUGE interest in conspiracies and we had a very informal chat.

Reviving the Violet Flame: The New Age conspiratorial journey of Canada’s Queen Romana Didulo

Studies in Religion has published my latest article on the self-proclaimed Queen of Canada, Romana Didulo. While much has been written about Didulo and her movement, her conspiracy theories, and anti-government approach, together with Dr. Amarnath Amarasingam, I examine the core of this movement and its religious pedigree, linking it to the Theosophical movement from the 1930s and 1940s.

Read the full article here.

Veltman Trial Continues with an Explosive Video Confession

Nathanial Veltman’s video confession was played in a Windsor court today, a shocking revelation of conspiracy, hate speech, and violence. Veltman revealed that he believed the social media posts of those spreading hate, that Muslims were abusing and grooming young women in Europe, his anger and hate rose from these images and he wanted to attack in response. His act of running over a family in London, Ontario was the result of these images and ensuing beliefs. Tonight I spoke to Global News about this issue and its impact.